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Showing posts from 2016

6mm Starter Terrain Set

So similar to my post about 15mm terrain, what sort of terrain can I use for 6mm gaming.  I'm putting the same general constraints on this terrain as I put on the 15mm side, namely: Usable from Ancients to Sci Fi.  But for right now, emphasis on SciFi. Would be nice to split duty with 15mm gaming No major cash outlays True LOS is out at this scale Still have to game with it.   Travels well So what do we end up with: Hills Hedges Brush Roads Woods ( WIP ) Scrub Brush Buildings Rough Terrain Industrial Areas

15mm/6mm Woods (WIP)

Good bye to green felt templates!  I ended up with a scrap piece of 1/4" ply wood from some home remodeling.  And while I had an urge to do some buildings for 15mm, I haven't been playing a lot of 15mm gaming lately.  So, I decided that some woods would work for both 6mm (Dirtside 2 and Strike Legion) as well as 15mm sci fi or 15mm anceints gaming (ADG). I started by: Sketching out some rough circular shapes on the 1/4" ply Cutting them out with a jig saw.  I didn't follow the lines exactly, just tried to keep near them Power sanded down the edges to give them a bit of a gradual slope Glued 3"(For 15mm) or 2" (for 6mm) around the edges, with one or two in the middle for support.  I mostly left them open as these are for gaming, not for display.  I need to fit the figures in there!  This was done with liquid nails.  I put about a pea worth of liquid nails down, pushed the nail in and gave it a bit of a twirl.   Left me with the foll...