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Showing posts from March, 2023

Gondor Warriors Test Recipe

Basecoating   1. Black primer via a rattlecan 2. Base coat "Abaddon Black" 3. Overbrush Vallejo 70.995 (German Camo Black) heavily 4. Not on these, but think another lighter over brush of a lighter grey would help.  Maybe a 1:1   70.995 with an ivory or other.   5. GW Lead Belcher on armor 6. Iraqi Dark Sand on the shield trees.  Less important the color here, just an ivory  7. Wash the whole model with "Nuln Oil" making sure not to pool Armor 1. Thick edge highlights of GW Iron Breaker Gloves 1. Base GW Gorthor Brown 2. Heavy wash Agrax Earthshade 3. Highlight back Gorthor Brown Belts/Scabbards 1. Base GW Steel Legion Drab 2. Heavy wash Agrax Earthshade 3. Highlight Vallejo Game Color 72.061 "Khaki" Flesh 1. Base GW Bugman's glow 2. Wash Agrax Earthshade 3. Highlight Bugman's Glow 4. Highlight Reaper Tanned Skin Bows 1. Base GW Mournfang Brown 2. Base tips GW Balthasar Gold 3. Wash Agrax Earthshade 4. High tips with Burnished Gold