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Ruined Terrain Work In Progress

 For Christmas this year I received a pretty decent sized set of various filament printed terrain.  In terms of presents, it was easy for family to acquire (Amazon is easier to navigate) and I didn't have to send them exactly what I was looking for. Unpainted Review The scale is generally 28mm or so.  Some are a little smaller, some a little bigger.  But nothing seems so crazy that I wouldn't put 32mm or 25mm on the table with them.  I sized them up, but forgot to take pictures so will try to grab some at the end, with MESBG LoTR, Age of Sigmar, 40k, Highland Miniatures and Beastarium Minis.  Nothing was so far out of scale that I wouldn't place them together. Almost no cleanup was required, just a few stray filament strands or print lines that didn't quite stick.  Probably the whole set took 10 minutes of cleaning.   Print lines are very noticeable on the rock ruins, but given that they are rocks, it didn't really bother me and I actually li...
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15mm Norman Javelins

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6mm Starter Terrain Set

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15mm/6mm Woods (WIP)

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