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Showing posts from 2013

Skaven Test Pack Masters

Bit happier with the white one, but like the dirt on the red one a bit better. In the end, went with neither of these two designs.

Games Workshop Great Weapon Dwarf Warriors

First off a comment: I'm not really liking these sculpts.  Maybe I just had a bad set, but they feel under quality compared to other plastic kits from GW.  Most of the issue I had was in the shoulder joins and the beard and how it draped.  I'm actually hoping I just got two kits confused and thats where the issue lay. I'll upload pics later. Skin Base Calthan Brown Wash Ogryn Flesh Highlight Tallarn Flesh RMS Tanned Highlight for final touches (Which I forgot to do to the hands in these pics!) Chain/Weapons Base Runefang Steel Wash Badab Black Highlight Runefang Steel Leather Trimming Base Ratskin Flesh Wash Badab Black Edge highlight Ratskin Flesh Bronze/Gold Bits Base Vallejo Brassy Brass Wash Ogryn Flesh Highlight shining gold if going bright, brassy brass if dark Shoes Base Mournfang Brown Wash Devlan Mud after basing (So not done here as they are unbased) Yellow Beards Base Tausept Ochre Wash ogryn Flesh Highlight ...


Played the steam version of the game with an Xbox controller, mouse and keyboard never work for me.  Not a bad game but I don't think its the best FPS I've played.  Certainly Half-Life kept me more interested in the story, but Bioshock  did have the better environment.  Fort Frolic was the high point for me, though the Point Prometheus level had a nice creepy vibe to it. In terms of gameplay, I really enjoyed it.  Lots of environmental interactions and different ways to approach the fights.  I spent a lot of time hacking the various security systems available and letting them do the fighting for me.  At one point I had a veritable army of drones following me. Overall, a definite recommend.

Goblins finished

Recipes used:   Flesh:  Base Gretchen Green  Wash thraka green  Highlight Nurgling Highlight  Had some success in adding spot washes of RMS red brick, but become to cumbersome for all the line troops  Metal/Weapons  Base Mithril Silver  Stipple dark flesh  Stipple Tau Sept Ochre (I think?) Wash Devlan Mud  Highlight characters' weapons with Mithril Silver  Shafts  Base Merchite leaving some spots slightly transparent  Highlight Blood Red  Shoes and Strings  Tausept Ochre base Devlan Mud wash  Highlight Tau Sept Ochre  Bags and Quivers  Khemri Brown base coat Devlan Mud wash  Highlilght Khemri Brown  Robes Black  Shadow grey edge highlights  Shields  Ice blue stippling on symbol  Banner  Dheneb Stone  Wash Ogryn Flesh  Highlight Screaming Skull Edge Highlight Ceramite...