First off a comment: I'm not really liking these sculpts. Maybe I just had a bad set, but they feel under quality compared to other plastic kits from GW. Most of the issue I had was in the shoulder joins and the beard and how it draped. I'm actually hoping I just got two kits confused and thats where the issue lay.
I'll upload pics later.
Leather Trimming
I'll upload pics later.
- Base Calthan Brown
- Wash Ogryn Flesh
- Highlight Tallarn Flesh
- RMS Tanned Highlight for final touches (Which I forgot to do to the hands in these pics!)
- Base Runefang Steel
- Wash Badab Black
- Highlight Runefang Steel
Leather Trimming
- Base Ratskin Flesh
- Wash Badab Black
- Edge highlight Ratskin Flesh
Bronze/Gold Bits
- Base Vallejo Brassy Brass
- Wash Ogryn Flesh
- Highlight shining gold if going bright, brassy brass if dark
- Base Mournfang Brown
- Wash Devlan Mud after basing (So not done here as they are unbased)
Yellow Beards
- Base Tausept Ochre
- Wash ogryn Flesh
- Highlight Tausept Ochre
- Spot highlight Bubonic Brown
Red Beards
- Base VMC Hull Red
- Wash Badab Black
- Highlight Dark Flesh
Brown Beards
- Base Khemri Brown
- Wash Devlan Mud
- Highlight Khemri Brown
Gray Beards
- Base Black
- Highlight Adeptus Battlegrey
- Highlight Astronomicon Grey
- Wash Badab Black
Blues (I don't like this recipe)
- Base Caledor Sky
- Highlight RMS True Blue
- Highlight Hoeth Blue
- Wash 50/50 Asuremen Blue/Badab Black highly diluted.
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