Black Armor - Base coat VMS Hull Red - Stipple VMS 70.982 Cavalry Brown - Stipple Black. Used standard GW Chaos Black, for these - Stipple GW Layer Dark Reaper - Stipple GW Space Wolves Gray - Stipple GW Base Leadbelcher - Wash with 1:1 Agrax Earth : Nuln Oil - Edge highlight metallic silver Boots / Gloves / Belts / Pouches - Base coat VMS 70.872 Chocolate Brown - Wash with 1:1 Agrax Earth : Nuln Oil - Highlight with VMS 70.872 Chocolate Brown - Highlight with VMS 70.872 with a touch of Ivory Pants - Base with GW Base XV-88 - Wash with GW Contrast Skeleton Horde - Highlight with XV-88. Mostly stippling the highlights back on Tabard - Base with GW Base Hobgrot - Wash with GW Contrast Skeleton Horde - Highlight with GW Base Hobgrot - Highlight with GW Ushabti Bone - Highlight with GW Screaming Skull Highlights were done with a mix of regular lines and stippling. Stippling was mostly on the screaming skull and ushabti highlights Shoulder Pads - Base with GW Base Io...