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Showing posts from March, 2015

FUBAR: Food Fight Scenarios

The primary time I have to play FUBAR will most likely end up being lunch, when both me and my co worker are free.  To that end and to keep each battle from just becoming a slog fest, scenarios seem like the ideal way forward. Ideally each scenario should take one to one and a half hour(s) to play.  This play time starts from the first initiative roll and ends when the victory condition is met.  I'm not including terrain set up in this, as terrain can be set up in advance and left for lunch.  This would also include any pre game unit set up. But how many turns can be expected in that time frame?  Based on the first game, a reasonable assumption of eight minutes per turn average could be expected (11 turns/90 minutes).  Some will be faster, some a little longer, but I think eight minutes will be a good rule of thumb.  Working with this number, lets assume 8 turns minimum, 12 maximum, 10 being a good average to work with (And nicely rounded to boot)....

FUBAR: Initial Impressions

In fairness, not quite initial impressions as I played many a moon ago.  But its been so long, with so many other rule sets in between that I feel like I was playing anew. Opponent: Co-worker who apparently decided that he has too much time and money on his hands and miniatures gaming would be a good way to deal with all that.  Not a power gamer/WAAC or rules lawyer which was good as this game definitely doesn't allow for that. Setup: As this was a beginner match, we kept it to 3 sections of five men (total of 15 miniatures) on each side.  Each squad was rated as seasoned and armed with an infantry rifle.  So, activating on a 4+, rolling one dice each and hitting on a 5+. The table played on was 6'x3', with us playing from the short edges (Long edges on the flank).  Terrain was a mixture of what we had, but was medium density.  Initially we rated the three woods as soft (Providing a +1 mod) and blocking LoS.  Linear walls were rated as...

15mm Starter Terrain

I've always gamed at a club or a store where there was a ready supply of terrain, but lately gaming at a friends house we both came to the conclusion that we are woefully unprepared with terrain.  So I've been trying to think of a list of terrain for 15mm gaming that I should start working on. First up, some limitations and constraints Usable from ancients to sci fi - We've been playing Field of Glory and Tomorrow's War, so I'd prefer the terrain to be usable to  Mostly geared to 15mm - See above, I haven't been doing too much 28mm gaming lately and I don't see it changing No major cash expenditures - Kitchen remodel sapped my wallet.  So, no fancy pre made terrain.  I'm not at zero for expenditure, but the more I can save the better. Doesn't have to be true LOS - At 15mm most terrain is abstract, so don't have to worry about providing terrain that works with true LOS rule sets Terrain would generally fit in a eastern european battle fie...