I've always gamed at a club or a store where there was a ready supply of terrain, but lately gaming at a friends house we both came to the conclusion that we are woefully unprepared with terrain. So I've been trying to think of a list of terrain for 15mm gaming that I should start working on.
First up, some limitations and constraints
First up, some limitations and constraints
- Usable from ancients to sci fi - We've been playing Field of Glory and Tomorrow's War, so I'd prefer the terrain to be usable to
- Mostly geared to 15mm - See above, I haven't been doing too much 28mm gaming lately and I don't see it changing
- No major cash expenditures - Kitchen remodel sapped my wallet. So, no fancy pre made terrain. I'm not at zero for expenditure, but the more I can save the better.
- Doesn't have to be true LOS - At 15mm most terrain is abstract, so don't have to worry about providing terrain that works with true LOS rule sets
- Terrain would generally fit in a eastern european battle field.
So what barring the no cash outlay part, as that fits more in the construction side of it. What would the list look like? Here's what I'm thinking (Bonus Update, as I've don each part I'm putting links to them)
- Hills
- Hedges
- Brush
- Rough Terrain
- Roads
- Tents
- Woods (WIP)
- Scrub brush
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