The primary time I have to play FUBAR will most likely end up being lunch, when both me and my co worker are free. To that end and to keep each battle from just becoming a slog fest, scenarios seem like the ideal way forward.
Ideally each scenario should take one to one and a half hour(s) to play. This play time starts from the first initiative roll and ends when the victory condition is met. I'm not including terrain set up in this, as terrain can be set up in advance and left for lunch. This would also include any pre game unit set up.
But how many turns can be expected in that time frame? Based on the first game, a reasonable assumption of eight minutes per turn average could be expected (11 turns/90 minutes). Some will be faster, some a little longer, but I think eight minutes will be a good rule of thumb. Working with this number, lets assume 8 turns minimum, 12 maximum, 10 being a good average to work with (And nicely rounded to boot). So going forward, lets aim on most scenarios being 10 turns in length.
Does this turn count work? Lets take a basic scenario: McGuffin is in the middle of the table, a seasoned squad (4+ activation) needs to move from its deployment zone (we'll assume a 6'x4' table, with 1' deployment zone on the long edge), be touching the McGuffin at the end of squad movement and then retreat off its own long edge, within ten turns. Assuming it starts on the edge of its deployment zone, that leads to a distance of 1' to get to the McGuffin, then 2' of retreat distance. The fastest the squad could make the distance is to the McGuffin is one turn, then two turns to get back of the table for a total of three turns. But a better estimate is probably six turns as the squad will fail to active 50% of the time. This also is handily the turn estimate for that same squad making it to the /OPPONENTS/ deployment edge. So ten turns should handle most of what I'll need for these quick and easy scenarios.
Ideally each scenario should take one to one and a half hour(s) to play. This play time starts from the first initiative roll and ends when the victory condition is met. I'm not including terrain set up in this, as terrain can be set up in advance and left for lunch. This would also include any pre game unit set up.
But how many turns can be expected in that time frame? Based on the first game, a reasonable assumption of eight minutes per turn average could be expected (11 turns/90 minutes). Some will be faster, some a little longer, but I think eight minutes will be a good rule of thumb. Working with this number, lets assume 8 turns minimum, 12 maximum, 10 being a good average to work with (And nicely rounded to boot). So going forward, lets aim on most scenarios being 10 turns in length.
Does this turn count work? Lets take a basic scenario: McGuffin is in the middle of the table, a seasoned squad (4+ activation) needs to move from its deployment zone (we'll assume a 6'x4' table, with 1' deployment zone on the long edge), be touching the McGuffin at the end of squad movement and then retreat off its own long edge, within ten turns. Assuming it starts on the edge of its deployment zone, that leads to a distance of 1' to get to the McGuffin, then 2' of retreat distance. The fastest the squad could make the distance is to the McGuffin is one turn, then two turns to get back of the table for a total of three turns. But a better estimate is probably six turns as the squad will fail to active 50% of the time. This also is handily the turn estimate for that same squad making it to the /OPPONENTS/ deployment edge. So ten turns should handle most of what I'll need for these quick and easy scenarios.
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